Casting an eye over the Nintendo website’s 3DS section shows the usual links for comparing the various systems in the 3DS lineup, alongside the option to “Buy Now.” Clicking these links shows a rather different story, though.

No longer do users have the option to compare the 3DS with the 2DS, or any other variation of a comparison involving a 3DS system. The only options available are the 2DS and New 2DS XL.

The same goes for the “Buy Now” option, which no longer shows links or purchase information related to the 3DS, 3DS XL, or New 3DS XL.

It’s apparently not just a Nintendo of America thing, either. Nintendo U.K. still has its information pages up about the New 3DS and New 3DS XL, but the actual shop only has links for the 2DS family under the consoles option. Nintendo Japan lists information for the New 3DS LL (XL), but also offers no buying options.

It’s the end of the line for another of part of the 3DS train as well.

Beginning in September, consumers will no longer be able to add funds directly to their 3DS and Wii U eShop accounts via credit card. Instead, adding funds and managing payment options will have to be done through the user’s Nintendo Account, which obviously requires having a My Nintendo account to begin with.

From there, purchases can still be made as usual with the Nintendo Account funds, either through the eShop directly or by buying the game on Nintendo’s website.

Phasing out support for the Wii U eShop isn’t really surprising; Nintendo basically stopped supporting the Wii U with software a year before the console officially died.

The Big N repeatedly promised to support the 3DS into the future, since it’s still viable for bringing new consumers into the Nintendo family. However, it seems like that support might be a bit more on the limited side moving forward.